by Debbie Mazur
We sailed on the Badger on August 5, 1997. Our party included Jim, my
mom, our two nephews from North Carolina, our two children and myself.
We had round trip tickets and since our nephews trip was so jam packed,
we only went over to Wisconsin for lunch-really! Unfortunately, the
seas were unseasonably rough. We were told by the crew that those seas
were similar to October. The crew was kept busy getting puke buckets
and passing out sea sick bracelets. You can use these pressure point
bracelets free of charge, you just leave your drivers license or put a
$10 refundable deposit. They worked for my mom and me, but not for our
two kids. The nephews and Jim roughed it out. In a couple of hours the
kids felt well enough to eat pizza. Ha Ha.
In Wisconsin we took the shuttle bus downtown and ate at the "Fat
Seagull". The food was very good. We had a little time to walk around,
but not much. I wish we could have spent the night, it seemed kind of
silly to just have lunch and head back. I would not do this again as
the trip is really very tiring. I took no chances and took some
Dramamine for the trip back. (It only works if you take it 1 hour
before you travel).
This was our first trip since the big make-over and we were very
pleased with the improvements. I would travel again anytime-well
hopefully on a calmer day...the trip back was calm, so Jim and I even
had a few beers. Much better trip. :)